Friday, July 25, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Cirrhosis of the Liver

Cirrhosis of the Liver SymptomsEzra protocol with medical home remedies to cure cirrhosis of the liver, saving one from liver cancer risk that is invariably attached with the condition is the only way available for it.

The condition takes its shape as a result of chronic liver disease in which the liver tissue gets replaced by fibrosis, scar tissue and regenerative nodules. The liver almost stops functioning which leads to serious metabolic implications in the body.

The most common causes comprise alcoholism, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and fatty liver disease; though many other factors might be there to give rise to this debilitating condition. At times, it may even be idiopathic in its causation.

Liver Cirrhosis

It may end up in ascites characterized by fluid retention in the abdominal cavity turning the quality of life very poor. It may also end up in hepatic encephalopathy causing coma and confusion, or else esophageal varices may start bleeding. At times, it may lead to hepatocellular carcinoma or liver cancer as well.

Mainstream medicine considers the condition as irreversible, and hence concentrates on slowing down its growth only. As far as advanced cases including liver cancer are concerned, liver transplant is the only option that it looks up to.

Debra Elkin

But here is a new hope for all advanced cases of the illness as well that Debra Elkin, former fatty liver sufferer and health consultant has brought along with her medical home remedies to the so far unlucky patients who have lost all hope to recover from this debilitating condition of theirs. She had been diagnosed of an imminent risk of liver cancer or cirrhosis as well as a need for a liver transplant only a couple of years ago.

Dr Alphred Pischinger

She had suffered for years trying every single treatment she could put her eyes and her hands on before she met Mr Jacob Ezra in Reims, an alternative medicine practitioner working along the lines of medical home remedies and specializing solely in liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver for the past 27 years taking his insights from Dr Alphred Pischinger, head of the University of Medicine in Graz (1936-1945) and his work, and coming out with what is popularly known as Ezra protocol now, which is a holistic, multidimensional, 5-Step plan for reversing cirrhosis obesity.

Debra met this man and within two months she was completely free of all her symptoms, thanks to all the medical home remedies that she used over there. Her liver enzymes were normal once again. She lost 17 pounds off her body and was an actively healthy person after the treatment was over.

She has made it a mission of her life to spread word about Ezra protocol now, with her 183 page downloadable ebook named The Liver Cirrhosis Bible & Ezra Protocol.

Liver Cirrhosis Bible

And the best thing is that she doesn’t only sell her ebook to the sufferers forgetting them after the sale is made, she also offers them personal counseling along without charging any money for the same – in fact she is offering personal counseling as an integral part of this entire vast program of hers. You get personal one-on-one counseling with Debra Elkin for full 12 weeks!

Consultation Certificate with Debra ElkinClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Cirrhosis of the Liver

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