Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms

Chronic Kidney Disease SymptomsMedical home remedies for chronic kidney disease symptoms reverse impaired kidney function avoiding dialysis and kidney transplant surgery even without using drugs at all.

The condition also known as chronic renal disease characterizes the renal function loss that takes place slowly and gradually over a period of time. High blood pressure and diabetes mellitus being the risk factors in generating the condition, it may end up in complications like cardiovascular disease, anemia and pericarditis.

A blood test for creatinine showing its high levels is one of the early signs of kidney disease signifying a falling glomerular filtration rate which indicates that the capacity of kidneys to excrete waste products has gone down. In the early stages it shows as passing protein or red blood cells into the urine in a urinalysis sample. Further medical imaging, blood tests and often renal biopsy ascertain the extent of kidney malfunction. Starting from stage 1, it may go up to stage 5 termed as chronic kidney failure or chronic renal failure.

The most common causes precipitating the chronic kidney disease symptoms aka chronic renal disease symptoms are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and glomerulonephritis.

Mainstream medicine is neither able to treat the disease or else to slow it down unless vasculitis is the underlying cause which on treatment slows down the damage. In majority of case, it just resorts to renal replacement therapy which essentially is nothing else but dialysis or/and kidney transplant surgery.

Duncan Capicchiano

Only medical home remedies are able to do something concrete in this regard. Here is Duncan Capicchiano ND, a fully qualified naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and a medical researcher; who developed a special interest in the disease since his wife’s Nanna had fallen prey to it 8 years ago. He spent sleepless nights researching about the disease investigating every single remedy from the most ancient to the contemporary modern ones. And ultimately Nanna was out of her debilitating condition into the freedom of health once again!

Duncan has now come up with The Kidney Disease Solution which is an “all in one” step-by-step program designed to reverse your disease and improve your impaired kidney function. It includes kidney repair tools, a disease treatment plan, a chronic kidney disease diets plan, all the free updates and a very efficient proactive email support system along.

The Kidney Disease SolutionClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms

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