Thursday, July 31, 2014

Medical Home Remedies: Sinusitis or Sinus Infection Symptoms

Sinusitis or Sinus Infection SymptomsA revolutionary breakthrough research into sinus infection symptoms aka sinusitis with medical home remedies has come up to absolutely clear away all sinus congestion within 36 hours, never to come back all through the span of entire life again.

The condition that signifies inflammation of paranasal sinuses is caused by infection, allergy, or autoimmune issues. Any of the frontal, ethmoid, maxillary and sphenoid sinuses can be affected giving rise to various varieties of the condition.

Headache and a facial pressure over the affected sinuses along with thick nasal discharge signify the specific condition that the victim has been afflicted with. It can either be chronic or acute sinusitis though the symptoms remain the same in both varieties.


As the sinuses are located very close to the brain, there is always a risk of the anaerobic bacteria entering into it that may end up in contracting abscesses, meningitis or other serious life-threatening conditions along.

Mainstream medicine has various different approaches to treat the problem. The conservative approach goes along nasal irrigation and nasal sprays containing oxymetazoline. If the symptoms persist; antibiotics like amoxicillin, Augmentin, fluoroquinolones, clarithromycin, doxycycline (for those allergic to penicillin). Corticosteroids are another approach that the mainstream medicine at times resorts to. When all other approaches fail to relieve the symptoms, sinus surgery is the last resort that it decides to go for.

Unfortunately none of all these approaches has been able to provide a permanent sinus infection treatment including sinus headache that keeps coming back again and again, troubling as many as 30 million patients every year in the United States alone.

 Joe Johnson

Here is Joe Johnson who himself suffered from chronic sinus infection symptoms for years together, starting from age 12 to age 25, having tried every single antibiotic, decongestant, nasal spray and irrigation device for his severe headache, swollen eyes, bad breath and an immune system gone weak without any real relief at all before his doctor suggested him to go for sinus surgery. It was then that he heard the alarm and started researching through medical home remedies day and night until he came up with a miracle cure out of their repertoire which contained three plant extracts that could clear any sinus problem for good, for life. He tried it on himself, on volunteers, on friends, on family and on his colleagues; and it not even once happened that the cure would have failed.

Now he has come up with his miracle cure, i.e., the three most powerful natural antibiotics from medical home remedies as plant extracts for sinus infection symptoms, with the name of Sinus Doctor that is more than sure to relieve you of your worst condition within the next 36 hours after you start administering them on to your own self!

Sinus DoctorClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies: Sinusitis or Sinus Infection Symptoms

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Cold Sores aka Oral Herpes Cure

Cold Sores aka Oral Herpes SymptomsThe best cold sores treatment aka oral herpes cure is doubtlessly attained by medical home remedies as fast as in 3 days only, never to come back again for life.

The obstinate infection that this one is has assumed epidemic proportions throughout the world population and can be as frequently activated as 12 episodes per year in a single person, the average being one to three attacks per person annually.

The extra active virus gets transmitted from one person to another even when the first person is not actively affected by the condition. Majority of the affected population carries it from someone or the other close to them.

Also called herpes labialis or lip sores, the condition is a lip infection caused by herpes simplex virus (hsv 1) causing small blisters on the mouth. Though the blisters disappear within a few weeks time but the virus keeps lying dormant in the nerves and getting symptomatically active time and again.

The symptoms comprise inflammation of the mucosa in cheeks and gums known as acute herpetic gingivostomatitis, headache, nausea, dizziness, painful ulcers, fever, and sore throat. Symptoms generally progress in a sequence of eight stages, namely latent, prodromal (day 0 – day 1), inflammation (day 1), pre-sore (day 2 – day 3), open lesion (day 4), crusting (day 5 – day 8), healing (day 9 – day 14) and post-scab (day 12 – day14).

Once the virus has entered the body, it always remains there; moving from the mouth to the central nervous system to stay latent over there before getting activated the next time, triggered by stress, menstruation, sunlight, sunburn, fever, or local skin trauma.

In the mainstream medicine, the treatments are many including docosanol, acyclovir, penciclovir, famciclovir and valaciclovir (a mixture of acyclovir and hydrocortisone); but unluckily the cure is none!

Grace Melgarejo

Here is Grace Melgarejo, a 7-year cold sore sufferer herself, who achieved her oral herpes cure permanently for life in just 3 days with all-natural, very inexpensive, and easy to implement medical home remedies. Before that she had tried every single thing that the mainstream medicine could have provided to her, including abreva – the so-called most effective over-the-counter fad at the moment.

This is the story of her healing herself on her own with her home remedy for cold sores that took place around 5 years ago.

Now she has come up with her method of permanent and the best treatment for oral herpes in her ebook named Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days: How I Safely Cured My Cold Sores For Life.

Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days

She not only sells the ebook but also provides to her customers free expert advice regarding medical home remedies for cold sores concerning their specific conditions on phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is only because treating others for what troubled her so long in her life has become a passion of hers that she enjoys doing rather than doing it as her duty alone!

Click Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Cold Sores aka Oral Herpes Cure

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms

Chronic Kidney Disease SymptomsMedical home remedies for chronic kidney disease symptoms reverse impaired kidney function avoiding dialysis and kidney transplant surgery even without using drugs at all.

The condition also known as chronic renal disease characterizes the renal function loss that takes place slowly and gradually over a period of time. High blood pressure and diabetes mellitus being the risk factors in generating the condition, it may end up in complications like cardiovascular disease, anemia and pericarditis.

A blood test for creatinine showing its high levels is one of the early signs of kidney disease signifying a falling glomerular filtration rate which indicates that the capacity of kidneys to excrete waste products has gone down. In the early stages it shows as passing protein or red blood cells into the urine in a urinalysis sample. Further medical imaging, blood tests and often renal biopsy ascertain the extent of kidney malfunction. Starting from stage 1, it may go up to stage 5 termed as chronic kidney failure or chronic renal failure.

The most common causes precipitating the chronic kidney disease symptoms aka chronic renal disease symptoms are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and glomerulonephritis.

Mainstream medicine is neither able to treat the disease or else to slow it down unless vasculitis is the underlying cause which on treatment slows down the damage. In majority of case, it just resorts to renal replacement therapy which essentially is nothing else but dialysis or/and kidney transplant surgery.

Duncan Capicchiano

Only medical home remedies are able to do something concrete in this regard. Here is Duncan Capicchiano ND, a fully qualified naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist and a medical researcher; who developed a special interest in the disease since his wife’s Nanna had fallen prey to it 8 years ago. He spent sleepless nights researching about the disease investigating every single remedy from the most ancient to the contemporary modern ones. And ultimately Nanna was out of her debilitating condition into the freedom of health once again!

Duncan has now come up with The Kidney Disease Solution which is an “all in one” step-by-step program designed to reverse your disease and improve your impaired kidney function. It includes kidney repair tools, a disease treatment plan, a chronic kidney disease diets plan, all the free updates and a very efficient proactive email support system along.

The Kidney Disease SolutionClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms

Friday, July 25, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Cirrhosis of the Liver

Cirrhosis of the Liver SymptomsEzra protocol with medical home remedies to cure cirrhosis of the liver, saving one from liver cancer risk that is invariably attached with the condition is the only way available for it.

The condition takes its shape as a result of chronic liver disease in which the liver tissue gets replaced by fibrosis, scar tissue and regenerative nodules. The liver almost stops functioning which leads to serious metabolic implications in the body.

The most common causes comprise alcoholism, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and fatty liver disease; though many other factors might be there to give rise to this debilitating condition. At times, it may even be idiopathic in its causation.

Liver Cirrhosis

It may end up in ascites characterized by fluid retention in the abdominal cavity turning the quality of life very poor. It may also end up in hepatic encephalopathy causing coma and confusion, or else esophageal varices may start bleeding. At times, it may lead to hepatocellular carcinoma or liver cancer as well.

Mainstream medicine considers the condition as irreversible, and hence concentrates on slowing down its growth only. As far as advanced cases including liver cancer are concerned, liver transplant is the only option that it looks up to.

Debra Elkin

But here is a new hope for all advanced cases of the illness as well that Debra Elkin, former fatty liver sufferer and health consultant has brought along with her medical home remedies to the so far unlucky patients who have lost all hope to recover from this debilitating condition of theirs. She had been diagnosed of an imminent risk of liver cancer or cirrhosis as well as a need for a liver transplant only a couple of years ago.

Dr Alphred Pischinger

She had suffered for years trying every single treatment she could put her eyes and her hands on before she met Mr Jacob Ezra in Reims, an alternative medicine practitioner working along the lines of medical home remedies and specializing solely in liver disease and cirrhosis of the liver for the past 27 years taking his insights from Dr Alphred Pischinger, head of the University of Medicine in Graz (1936-1945) and his work, and coming out with what is popularly known as Ezra protocol now, which is a holistic, multidimensional, 5-Step plan for reversing cirrhosis obesity.

Debra met this man and within two months she was completely free of all her symptoms, thanks to all the medical home remedies that she used over there. Her liver enzymes were normal once again. She lost 17 pounds off her body and was an actively healthy person after the treatment was over.

She has made it a mission of her life to spread word about Ezra protocol now, with her 183 page downloadable ebook named The Liver Cirrhosis Bible & Ezra Protocol.

Liver Cirrhosis Bible

And the best thing is that she doesn’t only sell her ebook to the sufferers forgetting them after the sale is made, she also offers them personal counseling along without charging any money for the same – in fact she is offering personal counseling as an integral part of this entire vast program of hers. You get personal one-on-one counseling with Debra Elkin for full 12 weeks!

Consultation Certificate with Debra ElkinClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Cirrhosis of the Liver

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty Liver Disease SymptomsEzra protocol with medical home remedies reverses fatty liver disease, saving one from liver cancer risk that is invariably attached with the condition.

What happens in the condition is that large vacuoles of triglyceride fat start getting accumulated in the liver cells owing to the process called steatosis in which an abnormal retention of lipids starts depositing toxic substances in a body cell.

Excessive alcohol intake and obesity are the two main phenomena that accompany the condition which may worsen with the third participant called steatohepatitis that is a form of hepatitis causing progressive liver inflammation. There can be two varieties of the condition, known as alcoholic liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

Apart from alcohol, the causation comprises metabolic syndrome including diabetes, hypertension, obesity and dyslipidemia; though some other metabolic diseases, nutritional insufficiencies, drugs including their toxic varieties, and a few other diseases may play their role in precipitating the condition as well.

Liver Cirrhosis

The risk factors involved are the progression of fatty liver disease to liver cirrhosis if it is related to excessive alcohol intake, which may further develop to hepatocellular carcinoma or the liver cancer. Once liver cancer gets contracted, it becomes extremely difficult to treat the same.

Treatment by the mainstream medicine is only possible at early stages of the illness before liver cirrhosis or liver cancer take over the condition, which goes along treating the factor that has been responsible in generating the illness.

Debra Elkin

But here is a new hope for all advanced cases of the illness as well that Debra Elkin, former liver disease sufferer and health consultant has brought along with her medical home remedies to the so far unlucky patients who have lost all hope to recover from this debilitating condition of theirs. She had been diagnosed of an imminent risk of liver cirrhosis or liver cancer as well as a need for a liver transplant only a couple of years ago.

Dr Alphred Pischinger

She had suffered for years trying every single treatment she could put her eyes and her hands on before she met Mr Jacob Ezra in Reims, an alternative medicine practitioner working along the lines of medical home remedies and specializing solely in fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis for the past 27 years taking his insights from Dr Alphred Pischinger, head of the University of Medicine in Graz (1936-1945) and his work, and coming out with what is popularly known as Ezra protocol now, which is a holistic, multidimensional, 5-Step plan for reversing fatty liver disease and obesity.

Debra met this man and within two months she was completely free of all her symptoms, thanks to all the medical home remedies that she used over there. Her liver enzymes were normal once again. She lost 17 pounds off her body and was an actively healthy person after the treatment was over.

She has made it a mission of her life to spread word about Ezra protocol now, with her 163 page downloadable ebook named The Fatty Liver Bible & Ezra Protocol.

Fatty Liver Bible

And the best thing is that she doesn’t only sell her ebook to the sufferers forgetting them after the sale is made, she also offers them personal counseling along without charging any money for the same – in fact she is offering personal counseling as an integral part of this entire vast program of hers. You get personal one-on-one counseling with Debra Elkin for full 12 weeks!

Consultation Certificate with Debra ElkinClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Fatty Liver Disease

Monday, July 21, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Sciatica Home Treatment

Sciatica SymptomsMedical home remedies for sciatica home treatment very speedily do away with its symptoms providing the best pain relief the most effective way.

The condition takes shape through compressing and hence irritating either one of five spinal nerve roots which shoot out each sciatic nerve from them, or else doing it to either sciatic nerve directly so.

It not only severely pains the lower back, hips, and quite a few other parts of legs and feet, it also produces numbness, muscular weakness and tingling along with problems in moving and controlling the legs. The pain that affects only one side of the body can get aggravated through prolonged exposure to cold weather.

But all this are only the symptoms and not the cause of the problem that gets generated through compression in the very first place, which may vary from case to case and time to time as far as the root cause and the exact location of compression are concerned.

Compression can be there in the lumbar nerves L4 or L5; in the sacral nerves S1, S2 or S3; or in the sciatic nerve itself. When a dorsal nerve root is involved, it may cause a spinal disc herniation or else the degenerated discs, primarily caused by the tearing of the annulus fibrosis that ends up in the nucleus pulposus getting protruded through and pushing against the spinal nerves, thus causing a compression in them.


Another cause may stem from the spinal canal narrowing down and compressing the spinal cord along with the sciatic nerve roots in a direct way. There are many factors responsible for causing this narrowing down of the spinal canal including bone spurs, spondylolisthesis, inflammation, and a herniated disc.

At times even the piriformis muscle through getting shortened or having spasms due to trauma or overuse may compress or strangle the sciatic nerve beneath it. The infamous “wallet sciatica” has got its name from a wallet being carried in a rear hip pocket compressing the muscles of the buttocks and the sciatic nerve when the bearer of the wallet sits down anywhere on it.

As the causes are many, so are the treatments more than one!

Generally the treatment goes along any of the lines including anti-inflammatory medications, antidepressants, paracetamol, narcotics, chiropractic spinal manipulation, physical therapy comprising stretching exercises, epidural steroid injections, non-surgical spinal decompression, massage therapy, weight loss regimens reducing pressure on spinal nerve roots and surgery speeding up the resolution of pain; though none of these is the ultimate cure of the debilitating problem that this severe disability is.

Only the medical home remedies for sciatica most speedily do away with the symptoms providing the best pain relief the most effective way.

Luckily here is Mr. Steven Guo, a Chinese natural treatment researcher who has already cured more than 5,000 sufferers permanently since the year 2008, with his uniquely natural remedies originating from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) though it has even surpassed the limited traditional boundaries of the same!

His method described in detail in his book named Treat Sciatica Now uses no synthetic drugs, surgery, physical therapy, exercise or any change in diet. It only uses the most natural remedies and requires spending just 8 minutes per day on one’s self-treatment and the condition gets completely cured in 7 short days!!

treat-sciatica-nowClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Sciatica Home Treatment

Friday, July 18, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome SymptomsMedical home remedies relieve carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms any day better than any other carpal tunnel syndrome treatment program in the mainstream medicine does.

Medically speaking, the condition at best can be defined as idiopathic median neuropathy at the carpal tunnel, which is an anatomical compartment located at the base of the wrist. It means that its exact pathophysiology in its dynamic functioning is not yet fully cognizable though hypothetically there must be some kind of compression at the location of the median nerve which then might be traveling through the carpal tunnel.

The thumb, the index, the long and the radial half of the ring fingers go numb. The numbness goes more prominent at the sleeping time as the victim tends to keep the wrist muscles involuntarily contracted as he or she lies down to relax. People have to depend on wearing a wrist splint for temporary relief. If the condition has gone chronic, a risk of permanent nerve damage with constant numbness gets attached to it.

The numbness at times goes so intense that it tends to get perceived as pain in the fingers. When it happens so, corticosteroid injection is administered for temporary relief again.

Surgery to cut the transverse carpal ligament is always the last alternative to get rid of the pain in the most severe cases.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Though the cause of the condition is not yet scientifically known, it is somehow commonly believed that repetitive stress injury caused by repetitive motions like extended periods of computer keyboard operation done regularly through days, months and years tends to precipitate the problem.

Signature: Geoffrey Hunt

Here is Geoffrey Hunt, a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer cum Exercise Rehab Specialist who had himself been a severe victim to the condition to which he had fallen prey in the year 2002 after he worked as a computer programmer for full three years before it. He kept suffering for 7 long years while he tried every single treatment available to relieve his debilitating pain and numbness in his fingers that he unavoidably needed to work with in order to earn his livelihood, before he invented his own carpal tunnel syndrome treatment plan comprising medical home remedies for himself which ultimately extricated him permanently out of his otherwise devastating condition.

Now he offers the same program named Carpal Tunnel Secrets Unleashed comprising 8 carpal tunnel syndrome treatment techniques utilizing medical home remedies which take as little as 5 minutes to complete every day and start showing results in less than 72 hours. Some of his patients have even reported getting relief within 24 hours as well with all their symptoms totally disappearing in less than 30 day overall!

Carpal Tunnel Secrets UnleashedClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Medical Home Remedies Correct Vision Problems to 2020 Vision

Vision ProblemsMedical home remedies that work with eye accommodation can very well take up the challenge to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision; be it myopia, presbyopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, lazy eye aka amblyopia, neurological vision problems, sudden vision problems or even the sudden vision changes causing the blurry vision in the very first place.

It was Dr. William H. Bates, an ophthalmologist of great insight, who took up this challenge the very first around a hundred years ago with starting curing myopia (nearsightedness) for good. Later he extended his treatments to the rest of the vision problems including presbyopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, blurred vision in one eye and amblyopia (lazy eye) along with myopia; and cured thousands of patients of symptoms vision problems with blurry vision throughout his lifetime involvement with his medical home remedies.

Myopia or nearsightedness shows you everything blurred at a distance though you are quite comfortable with your near sight.

Presbyopia afflicts all those who are not myopic in their 40s with problem that starts with reading near in the beginning and later with the passage of years deteriorates further to show blurred at a distance as well.

People afflicted with hyperopia (hypermetropia), or farsightedness can see distant objects well, but their near sight goes blurred creating problems in reading and writing.

In such conditions if people start straining their eyes trying to see clear, they further worsen the condition, either fattening or else flattening the eyeball further. If these distortions in the shape of the eyeball take place unsymmetrically along its periphery in one or all meridians, a condition of astigmatism gets attached to the problem that the person was already afflicted with, worsening his or her blurry vision even more than before.

Amblyopia or lazy eye is another vision problem that reduces the acuity of vision though there is no error of refractive index in the act of seeing. It generally afflicts any one of the two eyes more, as the brain suppresses the image seen by this amblyopic eye turning it dimmer than the other. The overall effect of this brain-maneuver, which mostly affects children a lot, is to reduce overall vision in both eyes as such.

William H. Bates

Dr. William H. Bates came up with a set of exercises characterizing medical home remedies, supposed to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision through turning the act of seeing into a state of central fixation of the eye, which he associated with the central fixation of the mind. The exercises did work to a great degree of extent provided he himself was there to guide the patient through each and every one of them, alleviating even macular degeneration and glaucoma along with the rest of them through central fixation of the eye. People very enthusiastically took them up as medical home remedies to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision.

After his death, people kept continuing with improving eyesight with the same set of exercises as medical home remedies to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision under the guidance of teachers who were specially trained in the Bates Method; but unluckily the spark that Bates himself had in actuating his procedural results kept getting lost in the oblivion with the passage of time. People stopped getting as good results with the set of exercises that Bates himself was getting them provided with his active involvement in the same.

I myself was a victim to this state of affairs as I started following his schedule of medical home remedies to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision in order to cure my lifelong myopia that I had been a victim to for the past 53 years of my life.

The exercises including palming as the main part of them just didn’t seem to work as it came to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision at my personal level!

Then the miracle happened!!

On December 12, 2004; it happened so that I was standing in Sarojini Nagar Market, New Delhi, India; waiting for my wife to come and join me for some shopping over there.

As I fully exhaled once in order to come out of the rigidity of having kept standing at one single place for long, I immediately discovered that I was seeing every single thing crystal clear in the field of my vision far and wide.

It was instantaneous!!!

I later developed it into an entire new discipline of opening the body chakras through re-posturing the body curing not only the vision problems but also almost all the chronic lifestyle diseases in it.

And it was exactly what Bates had termed to be the central fixation of the eye as well as the central fixation of the mind. It was only that he unluckily had not been able to design an objective set of exercises for attaining the same central fixation that I, following in his footsteps, could fortunately come up with; which was not exactly any set of exercises to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision, it rather was an extremely vast and subtle procedure of posturing the body in an entirely new and the most natural way that humanity has not yet come up to since our species stood on its two’s from its four’s in the process of evolution from our mammal ancestors on their four’s.

Still the procedure, though instantaneous, was so vast and so subtle that I could not have done any real justice with it, had I written an ebook trying to explain the same through words and/or pictures as well as videos either in black and white or electronically so. It would have become a similar mistake that people had experienced through finding Bates set of exercises as medical home remedies to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision much less effective once he was personally no more with them after his death.

Hence I needed the physical proximity of the person whose chakras I would be opening to correct vision problems turning them to 2020 vision along with curing almost all the chronic lifestyle diseases with my new medical home remedies of chakra opening sessions that I now offer as Single-Person Chakra Opening Workshop for the same at my center comprising two 8-hour sessions on two consecutive days.

But I very well know that everyone over the earth will not be able to present herself or himself to me in person for the sake of physical proximity that my real vast and the most subtle procedure of opening chakras through posturing the body in its most natural way requires, for more reasons than one. Only a few would be able to do so.

Duke Peterson

It was for this reason that I looked around and found this man Duke Peterson, an ophthalmologist himself, who has authored this ebook named Vision Without Glasses, breaking away from his established ophthalmological practice and tradition for working his way along Bates method alone. He also faced similar difficulties with the Bates Method as medical home remedies as he started curing his own through the same. He too had to spend many years perfecting his system bypassing the subjective vagaries in Bates Method with his personally developed “short-cuts” in the system that claim to put “Dr. Bates On Steroids” as far as comments from his patients go saying.

Though his “short-cuts” are way different from my approach that I came to assess as I went through his work that he has come up with, nonetheless they are quite time-saving short-cuts addressing and filtering the objective gist out of an insightful yet subjective approach of Bates Classical Method that he had given to the world as a gift as long ago as hundred years back.

I strongly recommend Duke Peterson’s Vision Without Glasses in case you are not able to attend my Single-Person Chakra Opening Workshop for any reason, whatsoever.

Vision Without GlassesClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies Correct Vision Problems to 2020 Vision

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How to Stop Snoring with Medical Home Remedies

SnoringMedical home remedies have in their quiver a sure-shot arrow aiming at how to stop snoring, hitting the target in the bulls eye instantaneously.

It is the vibration of respiratory structures that generates this disturbing sound as you breathe while you sleep, and the air movement gets obstructed in its way by these obstructing structures.

The structures involved in the breathing process during the sleep that has gone flawed are uvula and soft palate. The blockage in the smooth passage of the air flow is caused by the misaligned jaws, the nasal obstruction, the tongue dropping to the back of the mouth, throat muscles losing tone by drugs or alcohol, or else fat accumulated or enlarged tonsils in the throat.

Snoring not only disturbs the snorers as well as their partners in their bed, it also causes lethargy during the day, restlessness, attention deficit and a weak sexual urge. Loud snoring has also been correlated with risk of heart attack and stroke increasing by as much as 34% and 67% respectively. It has also been at least hypothetically (medical hypotheses are no far-fetched imaginations!) associated with carotid artery atherosclerosis and the risk of brain damage through creating turbulence in carotid artery blood flow closest to the airway.

Many kinds of stop snoring products and aids like nasal sprays, nasal strips or nose clips, lubricating sprays, and “anti-snore” clothing and pillows along with mandibular advancement splints are there in the market available as over-the-counter aids but they just mask the symptoms alone in a temporary manner and do not treat the underlying cause of snoring for good. Surgical treatments like uvulopalatopharyngoplasty carry risks of adverse side effects along. The Pillar Procedure inserts three to six Dacron strips into the soft palate, using a modified syringe and local anesthetic so that its vibrations get subdued if it were they that were causing the problem. A combination of pseudoephedrine and domperidone taken as pharmacological treatment has also shown the temporary relief in good number of cases.

Christian Goodman

Here is this man named Christian Goodman from Iceland who had been a snoring sufferer himself for as long as 20 years of his life before he accidentally struck into an insight that immediately told him how to OPEN the throat along with ALL (not one or two alone) the obstructing structures in the passage of the breathing air passing through it.

He cured his own with his medical home remedies aiming sharp at how to stop snoring on one’s own!

He has now come up with a properly-designed medical home remedies program targeting how to stop snoring on your own, which comprises 24 powerful Stop-Snoring Techniques strengthening the tongue to keep it from falling into the throat, opening up a narrow throat, removing nasal blockages, strengthening the weak jaws, and stopping soft palate from vibrating. All these techniques are aimed at strengthening the weaker muscles, which are blocking the airways; rather than surgically removing them or using uncomfortable devices to push them aside.

The program not only cures snoring forever, it has also been seen to cure as serious a snoring condition as sleep apnea along!

Stop SnoringClick Here for More Information

How to Stop Snoring with Medical Home Remedies

Monday, July 14, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Lupus Symptoms Treatment

Lupus SymptomsLupus symptoms though considered incurable by mainstream medicine do respond to medical home remedies of Norton protocol designed not only for their treatment alone but for a permanent eradication of the condition for once and for all.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a systemic autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body attacks its own cells and tissue, damaging them in a pathological process named antibody-immune complex formation.

Any of the vital organs or systems including heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and nervous system can become a victim to the condition; resulting in inflammation and tissue damage in those parts.

Lupus symptoms that generally appear as fever, malaise, joint pains, myalgias, fatigue, and temporary loss of cognitive abilities are temporarily treated with cyclophosphamide, corticosteroids and immunosuppressants before remissions occur again which are clinically called flares in this disease.

No specific causes are yet known to the medical science that are responsible to build up the illness though there are some environmental triggers and a number of genetic susceptibilities that play their role in precipitating the disease.

Since the disease at the hands of mainstream medicine is incurable at the moment, intensive research is still going on to come up with a possible cause, a definitive cure, and a better treatment plan to extend and improve the quality of life for the victims of this fatal disease.

Julia Liu

But here is Julia Liu, a nutrition specialist, a health consultant and a former lupus symptoms sufferer herself who fell prey to it when she was 32 years old in the year 2002. She kept combating with the disease for full five years till 2007, before she met Herman Norton who had spent all his life researching curing this disease with medical home remedies alone and helping its victims all along. Six months with Herman… and she was free from every single symptom of the disease, for once and for all!

Now she has decided to do for other people what Herman did for her. She has developed what is now known as the Norton protocol, based on 26 years of Herman’s work and 2 years of her own work with thousands of people all over the world; building up precise procedures for a permanent eradication of the condition.

The system named The Lupus Bible & Norton Protocol is a 5-step system comprising 261 pages of every single piece of information and a precise guide to the healing procedures comprising specific medical home remedies in Norton protocol.


Lupus BibleAlso the good news is that you get personal one-on-one counseling with Julia Liu for full 12 weeks after you join her program. And why only 12 weeks…? Simply because 12 weeks is just enough time for anyone to eradicate the disease for good, for life!

Consultation-CertificateClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Lupus Symptoms Treatment

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Medical Home Remedies: Hypothyroidism Natural Cures Solution

Hypothyroidism SymptomsMedical home remedies providing hypothyroidism natural cures are the best way to overcome thyroid problems you might have got stuck with in your life, facing symptoms like fatigue, depression, weight gain, loss of libido, dry itchy skin and constipation every day.

This chronic condition leads to a deficiency in the production of thyroxine, the hormone that the thyroid gland produces. Iodine deficiency is the primary cause of this underproduction, though there may be other factors like an under-productive thyroid gland as well as an under-productive pituitary gland or hypothalamus.

Exposure to iodine-131 from nuclear fallout or its administration for curing thyroid cancer in its surgical removal can be another cause leading to the condition.

Cretinism is another form of the condition afflicting infants alone.

Every one in every thirty people is generally found to be afflicted with the problem.

Special diet for thyroid problems comprises vitamin and mineral supplements of calcium, soya, iron, iodine, selenium, magnesium, zinc and caffeine along with many others, which nevertheless should not at all be self-prescribed by the patient himself or herself with a doctor’s advice.

Treatment is done not at the level of cure but only at the level of management with thyroid hormone taken daily externally in, along with blood levels being constantly under monitoring in order to ensure proper dosing. The patients need to maintain a very delicate balance of the hormonal level in their blood stream keeping them always on their toes.

Duncan Capicchiano

Here is Duncan Capicchiano, a properly qualified Naturopath as well as a lifelong member of the Australian Natural Medicine Society. His wellness clinic in Melbourne houses 13 nature therapists helping people with remedies in all kinds of chronic illnesses to alleviate along with providing hypothyroidism natural cures especially.

This man has quite a scientific bent of mind as far as diagnosing illnesses and going deep into curing the very root cause of them is concerned, so that the illness never raises its head again even after the scheduled mainstream management drugs are discontinued.

This amounts to total freedom from the disease, especially when it comes to thyroid problems because it is this particular disease that Duncan is so passionate about freeing the human race from.

He has come up with The Hypothyroidism Solution encasing medical home remedies for hypothyroidism natural cures that stands tall as a new ray of hope for a major chunk of humanity suffering from this widespread disease today.

Hypothyroidism SolutionClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies: Hypothyroidism Natural Cures Solution

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Medical Home Remedies: Kidney Stones Home Remedy

Kidney Stones SymptomsMedical home remedies have in their repertoire a real effective kidney stones home remedy taking care of kidney pain in the most natural way.

These stones are generated by renal calculi in the ureter. Dissolved urinary minerals in the kidney crystalize into these solid concretions; resulting in nephrolithiasis when in kidneys, in urolithiasis when in the urinary tract, or in ureterolithiasis when they are in the ureter.

8 mm Kidney Stone

Generally these tiny stones keep getting formed and passed out through urination, but if and when they acquire a size of 2-3 millimeters, they cannot easily pass out of the ureter resulting in its stretching and developing a muscle spasm trying to push the stone out of it. It causes extreme pain along with nausea, vomiting and blood in the urine.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy or else in complicated cases an open surgery may be the last alternative when all other methods at treatment seem to fail miserably.

But medical home remedies that work have another arrow in their quiver as a magic kidney stones home remedy sure to hit the bull’s eye, taking care of how to dissolve kidney stones in the most natural way resulting in a quick kidney stone pain relief.

Joe Barton

Here is Joe Barton, a medical researcher in alternative medicine, helping thousands of sufferers dissolve their stones into small sand-like particles and pass them out without surgery and without any pain in the process. The process simply comprises drinking 72 ounces of a very common beverage, following it with eating 8 ounces of a specific green vegetable cooked in a blender. With these two intakes in conjunction with each other, a chemical reaction starts in the kidney, the urinary tract and the ureter that magically dissolves the stones within 3 to 4 hours, in case these are of calcium oxalate, which they mostly are, and are less than 5mm in size. The bigger ones than this size take a bit longer to dissolve. Then the vegetable puree flushes this sludge out of the urine without any pain of any sort through urination.

He has put his process in black and white in The Kidney Stone Removal Report which you can immediately have at your disposal and start your treatment procedure without making any unnecessary delay in getting rid of your condition.

The Kidney Stone Removal ReportClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies: Kidney Stones Home Remedy

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Medical Home Remedies for Gout Pain Relief aka Podagra Cure

Gout aka Podagra SymptomsMedical home remedies have proved to be real effective as far as gout pain relief aka podagra cure in a swollen metatarsal phalangeal joint at the base of the big toe or even in its other manifestations like tophi, kidney stones and urate nephropathy is concerned.

The symptoms show the presence of acute inflammatory arthritis with a red, tender, hot, swollen joint that pains, which is mostly there in the big toe though it can also be there in heels, knees, wrists and fingers as well.

Fatigue and high fever often join pain that mostly appears at night, since body has a lower temperature then.

Gout on Big Toe

The cause of the problem lies in the increased level of uric acid or hyperuricemia in the blood, which on crystallizing gets deposited in joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. If a clinical test is performed, these crystals show their presence in the joint fluid. Often anti-inflammatory drugs are administered in order to provide immediate gout pain relief to the painful gout symptoms with an eye upon how to ease gout pain quickly, but the real treatment requires lowering the level of uric acid in blood that can only be done through lifestyle changes including consuming specific gout diet aka podagra diet for the purpose. Mainstream medicine administered for the purpose does carry a risk of negative side effects along.

Uric acid crystals may also get deposited as painless tophi, which on accumulation may cause bone erosion ending up in chronic arthritis. These crystals may also get deposited in kidney forming stones over there, which ultimately may result in urate nephropathy.

Underexcretion of urate is the primary reason of hyperuricemia in the blood, the secondary reason being its overproduction in around 10 percent of cases. The presence of podagra gout also makes one prone to contracting hypertension, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and renal and cardiovascular disease.

Joe Barton

Recently Joe Barton, an alternative medicine researcher and founder of Barton Publishing, Inc., in collaboration with many co-researchers and doctors has come up with The Gout Remedy Report discovering some miraculous medical home remedies that work. His research shows this problem having a close link with a very dangerous disease that not only turns one prone to podagra attacks but also causes propensity to contract heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and sudden death!

Hence his report with these rare medical home remedies aims at treating the underlying disease too with the apparent pathological arthritic attacks along.

The Gout Remedy ReportClick Here for More Information

Medical Home Remedies for Gout Pain Relief aka Podagra Cure