Sunday, April 6, 2014

Relationship Facts Facts about Relationships in Love, Business and Life

Relationship facts deal with facts about relationships in love, business and life. They could be anything from love relationship, to business relationship, to social relationships, to working relationship, to live in relationship, to family relationships, to interpersonal relationship, to long term relationship, to causal relationship, to online relationships, to mother daughter relationships, to husband wife relationship, to parent child relationship, to father daughter relationship, to teenage relationships, to father son relationship, to physical relationship, to secret relationship, to romantic relationship, to high school relationships, to college relationships, to nurse patient relationship, to human relationships, to client relationship, to professional relationship, to cousin relationships, to internet relationships, to customer relationships, to godly relationships, to patient doctor relationship, to peer relationships, to teacher student relationships, to dating relationship, to plutonic relationship, to friendship relationship, to biracial relationships, to man woman relationship, up to free relationship.

What is the common thread in all these relationship types that binds them into one single whole, i.e., relationship as such?

What is relationship?

Let's define relationship.

Relationship is a defined interaction betweenamong two or more persons or groups in which the protocols are decided beforehand.

So protocols are the thread. If you follow those protocols, you make healthy relationships. If you do not follow them, you end up in the clutches of abusive relationships with others.

Are protocols the only thread that make or mar a relationship?

No, there is a deeper thread that runs parallel below the surface of the obvious protocols to be followed.

The invisible thread dwells in the intentions. At times in the subconscious intentions too!

Intentions steer the passion in interaction that makes or mars the quality of a relationship.

If protocols are followed mechanically, the relationship turns cold and dead.

If intentions are in conflict with protocols, the relationship turns abusive.

Only if intentions fuel passion to energize protocols, a relationship turns lively and healthy.

What is relationship and how does it affect the quality of our life?

Let's investigate what our relationship facts are including both, healthy relationship facts and abusive relationship facts. Let's go deeper into the facts about relationships in love, business and life. Let's investigate what all we humans are doing with our relationships on this planet called earth!